Investigating novel cancer multidrug resistance inhibitors

Acquired multi drug resistance is a major obstacle in developing efficient therapies for epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) and various other malignancies. Despite initial reduction in tumor burden with the current treatment, cancer relapses in 70-80% of patients usually within two years due to development of multiple mechanism of resistance. The goal of this project is to explore resistance pathways of EOC and translate the acquired knowledge by designing novel RNAi-based nanotherapeutics.

  1. Drinberg V, et al (2014) Modulating Cancer Multidrug Resistance by Sertraline in Combination with a Nanomedicine. Cancer Letters 354, 290-298.
  2. Cohen K, et l (2014) Modulation of Drug Resistance in Ovarian Adenocarcinoma using Chemotherapy Entrapped in Hyaluronan-Grafted Nanoparticle Clusters. ACS Nano 8(3), 2185-2193